
Meet the Ponies

Royal Bouquet

Royal Bouquet loves writing about her day. She keeps a friendship journal to remind her of all of the fun times she has with her friends. Because she writes everything down in her journal, she always remembers everything! She always knows her friends' favorite colors, their favorite flowers, even their favorite flavors of ice cream, and uses these details to show her friends how much they mean to her." ~ story from Target Sweepstakes Meet the Ponies

ROYAL BOUQUET was born in February and her favorite color is lilac! Snowdrops are her favorite flower and she can usually be found writing in her journal.

When ROYAL BOUQUET pony throws a party, it’s full of flowers – and full of fun! When she puts on her silly balloon hat, everyone knows it’s party time!

ROYAL BOUQUET was released as a:

And appeared in: